34rd Taiwan International Hi-End Audio Show

The 34rd TAA International Hi-End Show is scheduled to hold at The Grand Hotel, Taipei on August 15th to 18th, 2024.

Various brands on Hi-End/Hi-Fi audiophile and related hardware/software accessories to display. There are over 170 of show rooms & function rooms in five floors, featuring stereophile Hi-End/Hi-Fi system, surround audio system, digital video (LCD/LED TV, projector), digital audio (DA converter, clock master),  home audio components and accessories, cables, DIY kits, Car Audio , audio/video softwares and magazines.

No matter whether you are an audiophile enthusiast, music lover or industry professionals, you will be enjoyed at the show. 


Show Information
Date:August 15 - 18, 2024
Hours:10:00 - 18:00 (10AM - 6PM)
Venue:The Grand Hotel, Taipei
Address:No.1, Section 4, Zhongshan North 
Road, Zhongshan District, Taipei City 104427, Taiwan
TEL : 886-2-6618-1155
FAX : 886-2-6618-8833

Admission fee:NTD 300 for domestic visitor

  • The ticket comes with complementary copy of commemorative collection CD, by first come first served.
  • Please phone for further details or refer to web page on Chinese version.
Greeting from TAA chairman about 2024 TAA Hi-End Audio Show

You are cordially invited to join us

Experience the vibrance of music and audio together

Dear Sir/Madam,

On behalf of the Taiwan Audio Association, it is with great pleasure to invite you to our TAA INTERNATIONAL HI-END AUDIO SHOW 2024 that will be held on 15th to 18th of August 2024. This exciting annual event would be host at Grand Hotel Taipei.

Besides the finest music being played, meeting old friends and experience Hi-End audio from around the world would be the highlight of this 34 years old annual audio event.

Laughter and great gatherings are guaranteed. Please join us and we look forward to your presence on our biggest annual fun festival.

Yours Sincerely,

Alex Shih
Taiwan Audio Association

Exhibitor List

V Floor

2 Floor

3 Floor

4 Floor

5 Floor